Starting my new life, with the new me, new and new. Forgetting the past, the bullshit, or everything. Just got new spirit, from those people who care about me. I am the way I am. People, most of them are just like the poker face..very unpredictable. Anytime, they will dump you...
Loser. Am I?
Sometimes, we need to stop analyzing the pastStop planning the future
Stop trying to figure out precisely how we feel
Stop deciding with our mind,
what we want our heart to feel
Sometimes, we have just to go with
"whatever happens, happens..."
Happiness is always a coincidence.
~waiting for the 'coincidentally'~
Hahahahaha this is what we called, UNEXPECTED! Tetiba je aku telah mengeshare satu rahsia dgn seseorang. Rahsia yg sgt private pada aku. Dan seseorang yang aku rapat ke?! Agak rapat la lately nih. Kenal die pon sem nih. Awal2 sem. Mengundang rasa malu2 kucing. But tetiba jek nk bgtaw die. Rahsia ape dan siapa, adalah rahsia. Sebab dah janji rahsia ni xleh publish kat blog. Heheheheehe tima kasih ye sebab share rahsia dengan saya. Janji taw ni adalah rahsia kita berdua je! Btw, dah lama x berahsia dengan org. Rasa best! weeee~
Tak tau kenapa, hari ni yang sepatutnya aku isi dengan stady, tapi aku buang masa dengan blogging. Neway, i dun care. Here, i can publish anything! This is my blog, suka ati la kan~
Gambar2 plak.
Sara buat mata stim~awww!
Berdua lebih baik.
100% lah!!!!gagagagaga Btw, actually banyak lagi gambar nk upload tp Sara xbagi bagi menjaga nama baik beliau. xkesah la. Keep it private k babe! Aksi terlebih mesra milik kita sahaja! weeee~
-Nisa HEBAT-
Everyday, i get more afraid
Of giving my heart away
Scared of what love will bring
Too nervous to hear the words you'll say
I find myself lost in you
Not sure if i want to be
I see the looks that you give
And wonder what you see in me
I dont want my heart broken
Or dissapointed
I can't seem to give up
A guy sent from above
Dear , I put trust on you
Please...don't let me down
For I am giving you a chance
To turn my life around
Cause it might not last long
I am putting my love in you
Now it's all up to you
I look foward to the places we go
And the things we'll be put through
But remember, I am VULNERABLE
I want to be at the top of your list
But I don't have to be first
Convince me with the truth
Assured me with your talk
Whisper me your love...
Saje2 bukak email, found this in an email that i had sent to someone, couple month ago...
Make me remember of something, someone, somehow, and hoping for someday....
A rememberance....
Mungkin Tuhan menginginkan kita bertemu dan bercinta dengan orang yang salah sebelum bertemu dengan orang yang tepat, dan kita harus mengerti bagaimana berterima kasih atas kurniaan itu.
Maybe God put a few bad people in your life, so when the right one come along, you'd be thankful.
Love the heart that hurt you, but never hurt the heart that love you.
Sometimes what you want isn't always what you get, but in the end what you get is so much better than what you wanted.Cinta bukan mengajar kita menghinakan diri, tetapi menghembuskan kegagahan...
People do come and go,
bringing happiness and sadness,
but the most important thing is,
the memory remain forever.
And all those memories keep me smiling till now.
What past is past,
EVERYTHING go, TRYING to let it go,
but i'm still here,
being me and only me.
Seizing the day with my own way.
*finding and searching what i've lost*
Life getting strange... At this moment, feel that i'm teribbly missing someone damn much. Miss the way that someone smile, the voice (especially when that someone say my name, it sound so sweet!), miss the way that someone look at me, the hugs and kisses....
Ouchhh pity me. That someone used to be someone who really care about me. But now, that someone dont care anymore..anymore... I wish i could hate that someone damn much. Let that someone dissapeared. Hope that someone go... But, day by day, I miss that someone, more and more, much and much... Arghhh what an unfair life!
How can I decide what's right? I've trying to replace that someone with someone else. But, it is not as simple as ABC. No easy as 123... It's hard when it's about heart...
Dear God, help me... My life is miserable... When I saw that someone smile, I'm asking myself, 'why cant u smile with me...' When I heard that someone voice, my heart say, 'ohhh i wish u talk to me dear..' And what hurt most, when I saw that someone laugh with someone else, I'm asking to myself 'why dont u laugh with me anymore...'
Ouchhh as it hard to accept u, it is harder to forget u. I wish I could turn back time and rebuild our relationship. But, what past is past...."Our melody, Our memories and Our pictures..."
Ku membenarkan jiwaku untuk mencintaimu
Ku persembahkan hidupku untuk bersama kamu
Dan diriku untuk kamu
Belum pernah ku merasai begitu
Semua itu telah berlalu harapanku palsu
Dan mungkin hari yg satu terus ku tertunggu
Di hatiku masih kamu
Belum pernah ku ingin terus menunggu
Aku lemah tanpa kamu
Ku inginmu dampingiku
Aku fahami aku bukan terbaik tuk dirimu
Sampai syurga ku menunggu
Samp syurga ku cintamu
Hanya satu..Hanya kamu..
Ku membiarkan hatiku tuk merinduimu
Ku menghamparkan sakitku tuk tatapan kamu
Bersamamu harapanku
Hilang dalam terang yg membutakanku
Dan segala yang ku ada ku berikan semua untuk dirimu saja
Ku mau dirimu ooo
Agar tuk selamanya
Biar sampai syurga aku menunggu cinta darimu
Agar ku sempurna
Namun aku tetap aku
Yang terbaik tuk diriku
Hanya satu
Aku lemah tanpa kamu
Ku ingin mu dampingiku
Aku fahami aku bukan terbaik tuk dirimu
Sampai syurga ku menunggu
Sampai syurga ku cintamu
Hanya kamu
Aku lemah tanpa kamu
Ku ingin mu dampingiku
Sampai syurga ku menunggu
Sampai syurga ku cintamu
Hanya kamu