Mixed up!

1) Boredom

I'm alone... Nobody's here. Arghhhhh

2) Sad

Someone didn't reply my sms... Haih! That msg is imporant la darl...

3) Jiwang

Listening to 'bila rasaku ini rasamu' by kerispatih. (whatt???)

4) Miss

I miss you. Damn much.

5) Lost/Empty


6) Annoyed

Sick of someone act. Pretending gila. Puke.

7) Homesick

Mak ayah... Ica wanna hold both of you.... Tight. Ouchhh...

8) Dizzy
Sunday will be a very super duper damn busy day. Mayday! Mayday!!!

9) Blank

Dunno what to do except on9. I'm not a kaki rayau anymore. Sila kagum. Hahahaha

Enough. Sambung tido. Big grin.
9 Responses
  1. cud the ★ Says:

    ak da rep sms td kn??

  2. Anonymous Says:

    ko xmsg ak pun..
    balik2 fb ngn ym..
    owh..ak tido hari ini..
    bangun td kul 1ptg..

  3. Nisa HEBAT Says:

    cud: hahahaha
    suddenly plak ko
    xpe, biar besdey girl perasan sekejap

  4. Nisa HEBAT Says:

    rai: bazir kredit je aku msg ko
    nnt yg kuar babik
    tpaksa samak hp
    satu keje plak

  5. Anonymous Says:

    satu pkerjaan yg mulia

  6. Anonymous Says:

    sejak ko membabikkn ak

  7. Nisa HEBAT Says:

    ko yg babikkan aku dulu pe...

  8. Anonymous Says:
