Thanx to my lovely dearest friends, Sara and Farah.
Thanx you so much love!
Even sangat busy, sempat jugak nak bg surprise kat Cik Nisa.
My birthday dah seminggu berlalu, so I dont expect anything.
*birthday pon sambut kat hospital since I've been warded that time*
Giler sedih.
I feel touched sayang2ku.
Just want to let both of you know,
even without the cakes, the surprise, the wishes,
nothing gonna change.
All I need is just our friendship.
Honesty and sincerity.
May Allah bless our friendship Sara and Fara,
also others, kawan2 saya!
p/s: Sara, kau kena banyak blaja lagi la kalau nak klentong2 aku! ASB pukul 5! ;DD