Bored of assignmentssssss, and suddenly missing my sayang. And suddenly jugak teringat cm mane ktorg jmp. .. ;)
The story starts here....
......well, sama2 join koko drama/teater masa part 3. Tapi, sepanjang2 lah satu sem tu xpenah pon nk perasan kewujudan 'wan ampang' even grup teater tu xsmp 20 orang! Untill the full dress rehearsal day, means dah hujung2 sem, lepas raya kalau xsilap. Masa orang tgh bz2 prepare props ape suma, i sibuk duduk2 tgk orang buat keje. (malas+mengntok ok). Masa tu la terpandang dia. And there's something yg attract i. (gila memalukn diri sendiri kalu nk cter!)
Then after that suma org pon bz ngn rehearsal. Dan dlm ke'bz'an tu, all of us in the group become closer, n feel like we are in one big family. Happy je, tmbh lagi 1 week before the real show, hari2 ada rehearsal, so hari2 jmp, hari2 gelak golek2, and lepak rmai2 after rehearsal. (ouch, miss that moment damn much!)
Dalam masa tu la sayang and i semakin rapat. Mula2 sayang call me 'kak nisa' (cit!!), since he is 2years younger. Tapi xkesah la, lgpon most student yg join teater tu pon dari fac music, diploma, suma pangkat adik ku sayang je. Heeeee. Everyday after rehearsal he must sent sms, call for a while, (syg, gatal kan u!hahahha), n i pon layan jela sbb masa tu tgh mabuk happy dengan geng drama/teater.
Then after koko dah abes, he is the one yg still contact hari2. Lama2 rapat, i pon tgh single (so boleh la nk gatal2 kan). ;p . We had our 1st date, 2nd date, n so on..... Untill 8th Nov 09, the sweetest moment for us, declare lah. ;) . Gila sebenarnya sebab kalau igt, 8th Nov tu, still in final exam week! Orang sebok blaja, kau sebok nk bercinta! Haahhaha. But even nk bercinta pon, blaja still our 1st priority.
And i'm happy with you sayang. Mula2 mmg SANGAT susah nk accept each other, since we are from two different world. But thank God, You gave us strength to pass through all problems. Yela, awk tu sibuk ngn practise je. Nak jumpa pon susah even once a week. Lama2, ok lah. Sekarang dah kurang nk merajok2 pasal dah boleh faham kehidupan seorang ahli muzik. kikikikiki.
We had lots of fun together, n still trying to understand each other. May Allah bless this relationship. Love you so much. ;)
The story starts here....
......well, sama2 join koko drama/teater masa part 3. Tapi, sepanjang2 lah satu sem tu xpenah pon nk perasan kewujudan 'wan ampang' even grup teater tu xsmp 20 orang! Untill the full dress rehearsal day, means dah hujung2 sem, lepas raya kalau xsilap. Masa orang tgh bz2 prepare props ape suma, i sibuk duduk2 tgk orang buat keje. (malas+mengntok ok). Masa tu la terpandang dia. And there's something yg attract i. (gila memalukn diri sendiri kalu nk cter!)
Then after that suma org pon bz ngn rehearsal. Dan dlm ke'bz'an tu, all of us in the group become closer, n feel like we are in one big family. Happy je, tmbh lagi 1 week before the real show, hari2 ada rehearsal, so hari2 jmp, hari2 gelak golek2, and lepak rmai2 after rehearsal. (ouch, miss that moment damn much!)
Dalam masa tu la sayang and i semakin rapat. Mula2 sayang call me 'kak nisa' (cit!!), since he is 2years younger. Tapi xkesah la, lgpon most student yg join teater tu pon dari fac music, diploma, suma pangkat adik ku sayang je. Heeeee. Everyday after rehearsal he must sent sms, call for a while, (syg, gatal kan u!hahahha), n i pon layan jela sbb masa tu tgh mabuk happy dengan geng drama/teater.
Then after koko dah abes, he is the one yg still contact hari2. Lama2 rapat, i pon tgh single (so boleh la nk gatal2 kan). ;p . We had our 1st date, 2nd date, n so on..... Untill 8th Nov 09, the sweetest moment for us, declare lah. ;) . Gila sebenarnya sebab kalau igt, 8th Nov tu, still in final exam week! Orang sebok blaja, kau sebok nk bercinta! Haahhaha. But even nk bercinta pon, blaja still our 1st priority.
And i'm happy with you sayang. Mula2 mmg SANGAT susah nk accept each other, since we are from two different world. But thank God, You gave us strength to pass through all problems. Yela, awk tu sibuk ngn practise je. Nak jumpa pon susah even once a week. Lama2, ok lah. Sekarang dah kurang nk merajok2 pasal dah boleh faham kehidupan seorang ahli muzik. kikikikiki.
We had lots of fun together, n still trying to understand each other. May Allah bless this relationship. Love you so much. ;)

our very first picture, after full dress theater rehearsal.
love it. ;)