Today is sayang's birthday.
But i don't have time to celebrate with him.
Memang kesian sayang, jadik bf terbiar je sekarang due to my schedule yang packed.
Isba Tour has 'take' my life.Lepas ni department week.
Then induction, bla bla bla byk lagi.
Sorry sayang....
Btw, to my sayang;
Selamat hari lahir yang ke 20.
Semoga dimurahkan rezeki, dipanjangkan umur dan mendapat keberkatan di dunia dan kejayaan di akhirat.
I love u sooooooo much!!!
I promise, we will celebrate ur birthday syg.
I promise. ;)

Everytime we meet, I will fall in love with you
Again and again and again...
Rasa macam baru bercinta!
I'm happy.
Alhamdulillah, thanks to Allah for giving me this feeling.
May Allah bless this relationship.

Thanx to my lovely dearest friends, Sara and Farah.
Thanx you so much love!
Even sangat busy, sempat jugak nak bg surprise kat Cik Nisa.
My birthday dah seminggu berlalu, so I dont expect anything.
*birthday pon sambut kat hospital since I've been warded that time*
Giler sedih.
I feel touched sayang2ku.
Just want to let both of you know,
even without the cakes, the surprise, the wishes,
nothing gonna change.
All I need is just our friendship.
Honesty and sincerity.
May Allah bless our friendship Sara and Fara,
also others, kawan2 saya!
p/s: Sara, kau kena banyak blaja lagi la kalau nak klentong2 aku! ASB pukul 5! ;DD
New semester just begin.
Final year student baby!
Less than 6 month, we will face the real world
Am i ready for it?
Tak puas nak enjoy lagi.....
Btw, this sem punya jadual mcm ape je.
Everyday ada kelas time lunch hour
Tp jadual xpacked, tapi byk gap
Currently at Gombak, Along's house.
We (my family and I) are here for certain things to settle.
Sampai sini semalam petang.
And, in few hours, akan pulang Shah Alam.
This is what I hate.
For sure in Shah Alam, lot lot lotsssss of drama will happen.
Life gonna be busy.
Aishhh actually since last 2 weeks lagi dah busy for ISBA's things.
Macam2 kerja en. presiden soh Cik Nisa buat.
Silap2 balik Shah Alam ni, jumpa presiden dulu, bukan jmp bf 1st!
Class will start tomorrow.
Part 5's timetable just like %(*@!%$!@O -no words-
Events to handle.
Never mind, I'll try to enjoy my life.
Just follow the flow coz I know, in future, I will miss the past.
Thanks for those who wish my birthday.
Thank you very much guys!!
Ramai sgt yang wish.
Ada yang kol n nyanyi lagu happy birthday.
Thank you so much!
Lebiu muah muah!!!
Unfortunately, this year, celebrate birthday kat hospital.
I've been warded for 3 days.
Sedih je....
But Alhamdulillah, sekarang ok sket.
Just the doctor nasihatkan supaya Cik Nisa xdrive lagi dah.