Rai, bgn la, I need you to talk. Sekarang jugak (4.30pagi waktu tempatan). Nak nanges plis... Xde orang lain I can count on...


Sesak nafas rasa bila yang dah lama hilang dari mata, tiba-tiba muncul atas kepala! Arghh!!!

Mintak itu, mintak ini, carik itu, carik ini. Hrmm, masa ada, xreti nak appreciate. Xnk jaga baik2. Bila dah hilang, tau nak cari balik. Tapi bila dapat, buang pulak. Susah...

Tengok la macam mana nnt...

Hati bukan mcm bola. Beli mahal2, tp at last letak atas tanah then sepak guna kaki. Haktuih!

*chocolate n ice-cream plis!

Mst penah rasa penat kan ngn hidop ni? Penat jadi diri sendiri. Bila macam2 masalah timbul, mulalah nk meradang. Nak marah. Nak maki hamun. Kalau boleh, nak je buang sumber masalah tu jauh2.

Tapi aku tgk ada gak yang penat nk jadi orang lain. Orang ada itu, tergedik2 la terasa nak jugak. Orang lebih sikit, kita nak lebih banyak. Alah, biasa la tuh....Orang macam ni, kita pun sibuk nak tiru dia jugak. Entahlah.

Betul2 ke jadi diri sendiri kalau dalam hati terasa nak jadi macam orang lain? Mana jati diri? Nabil cakap, 'lu pikir la sndri'. Tapi kalau stakat pikir, tp xbuat, boleh blah.

It seems like when I really2 need someone to hear, you can't be that someone. Always kan? Find another person perhaps?

Hurt. Confusing. Questions.~
"Semalam kita berkawan, kemudian kita bercinta, hari ni, u macam CELAKA, ha...celakalah kau selamanya, aku bahagia saja, bukan aku peduli pun... sebab anda ternyata celaka..."

-raihanah nadira-

Aku bukan pe, just ske status Rai nih kat fb (like 300kali). Memang seronok mencelakakan orang. Especially those yang perangai cm lahanat. So Rai, tapayah la layan si celaka. Nyusahkan kpala otak sendrik. Cam budak kecik xcukup akal. Kita x amik port pasal dia, dia pk kita teringin cakap pasal dia. Adeyh! Xteringin pon nk care pasal si celaka la.

Yang penting kita tau kita cakap pasal sape, kat mana, ape dan bila2 kita nk bercakap. G mamms la. Kau nk terasa, lantak kau. X begitu kawan2? Hahahahha.

Chill babeh!!
Nak update blog ni, tp ngntok.
Nanti2 lah.
Alah, blog aku, suka ati aku lah...
Xsuka jgn baca
Senang kan?
'......ok la tadi g lost world pastu lost jalan. hihihi'

'......tau x tu sumber haram? buang la khinzir tu kat izham.' (dia xgne pkataan babi)

haaaaa meh i plak nk cakap!

'ewahhhh dah bawak g jenjalan nk perli2 org plak. dah takdir nk sesat, pe bleh buat... tumbuk ganas2 nak?' ;P

'bela babi kat farmville pon salah ke??? uwaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!

Ilebiu so much!!!

Tekanan. Masalah melanda!!

Kenapa lately ni customer kurang? Income pon slow je. Cne aku nk extend cafe???? Makanan byk tapi orang xrmai dtg. Ala, abeh la mknn kat atas stove tu busuk kalo lmbt sgt! Rugi arh! Kenapa xrmai customer ni??? Kenapa??? Why?????? Oh, myb pasal sekarang ni tgh bulan kot, xgaji lagik. Ades!

Restaurant plak, cmne nk naik level 20 nih... Bapak slow la. Pon sama cm cafe aku, xrmai org dtg. Cm bazir aku hire worker smp 8 org. Aish! Nak kena jampi agaknya. Xpon bg restoran aku pkai susuk. Huh!

Sekarang ada bisnes baru. Bukak theme park. Jemput la datang ramai2 ye. Kita hidup berjiran. Theme park aku asek rugi je. Sebab baru blaja nk manage. Camne nak ganti Goh Cok Tong ni... (eh, yg develop Genting tu dia r kan? aku bantai je!)

Farmville pon dah pndai sket2. Baru menambah2 jiran. Nak beramal jariah melawat ladang orang. Jemput la ramai2 bagi gift kat budak baru blaja nih. Kikikiki



Tenang sayang, ku pasti akan datang
Yakinlah aku menjemputmu
Jangan menangis, hapus air matamu
Yakinlah ku tetap milikmu

Tenang sayang, ku tepati janjiku
Karna kau wanita terhebat
Peluk tubuhku, matilah di pelukanku
Biar seluruh jagat raya tahu

Thnx for the lyric but.....arghhhh!!!

'Everybody make mistakes'

Alah ayat ni suma org pon penah dengar kan? Paling xpon, 'suma orang wat salah', 'xde manusia yang sempurna', 'nobody's perfect', bla bla bla....

Oh, well, it's good to make mistake, mistakeS perhaps. Penat kan bila ape je yang kita buat, orang tetap nmpk yg buruk2 gak, yang silap tu gak. Biasa lah, nama pon manusia... Macam Melodi la, dia nk terjah menda2 yang xberapa nak bagus sgt. Menda2 yang panas. Aku pon x arh baik mana, kadang2 Melodi gak. Kadang2 tukang dengar. Slalu jadik tukang angguk je.Huuuu

Hurm.... pagi ni, aku blog walking. Jumpa macam2 blog. Pelbagai. Aku baca. Dari satu, satu lagi. Macam-macam ragam, suka suki hidup manusia kan. Ada gembira, ada xbrape nk hepi, ada yg so so, bla bla bla...

Tapi ape yang penting, ape pon yang jadik, we need to protect ourself. Buruk mana ke, baik mana, xde sape nak tolong berdiri selain kaki sendiri. Kau cacat ke, kau tempang ke, kalau nk berjalan, kena blaja guna kaki sendiri. Kau jatuh orang gelak. Kau rebah orang ketawa. That's life. Tapi bila kau bangun, biar smp yang ketawa tu kagum!

Kadang-kadang sucks, kadang2 pura2 gembira. Sikit masa rasa kehilangan. Rindu kat kawan2. Rindu kat yg xbrape kawan. Rindu memori2. Ada yang dulu kawan sekarang lawan. Keluarga pon boleh bermusuh2. Hidup..macam2... Salah faham jadi bila mana kita salah interprate data2. Dengar cerita buruk. Dangkal. Manusia lah tu. Menyesal gak aku kadang2. ~

Aku mengharapkan yang terbaik untuk semua. Friend forever katanya. So, smp mati ah kan?

All the best, btw Happy Birthday Sarah ngn Rai.


Macam biasa la, mood hari ni up and down. Hot and cold. Black and white. Huuuuu~

Punca dikenalpasti :

- dapat jumpa sayang. ;)

even sekejap je, (lebih kurang 5 jam) tp, ok la. Pe lagi nak selain dapat jmp anak teruna Encik Azmi tuh. hahahhaha

- penat la drive g Ipoh.

Letih. Sejak balik dari s.a., keta tu baru hari ni aku start enjin dia, Macam xbest la drive. Dah r jauh, bermarhalah2, eeeee! Isk!

-misi tidak berjalan lancar.

ni bukan misi2 kat klinik tuh. Ktorg nak tgk 2012. Tapi bleh x tiket sold out? haktuih! datang kul 3stgh, tp seat for the whole day dah sold out. Nasib baik back up 'pisau cukur'. Ok la cter tu. So so la.

-macam nak demam

balik tuh rasa sejuk semacam. xsempat remove make up bagai, terus tdo. xnk pk hal lain dah. baju xpyh tukar. make up sok2 bleh remove. hahhaha sedar2 dah kul 1lbeh.


bgn2 tdo, kol syg xdpt plak. adeh. bengang sket. ok, rupa2nya syg xsehat sangat. xjadik la marah. maap ye encik. ;)


dah kol syg xdpt, on laptop tros. disebabkan hari ni hari berpacaran, bisnes xmasyuk sangat ah plak. xbyk coin masuk. tp xpe r, sok aku cover balik. Ala, cafe world ngn restaurant city je..ngehh erm, btw sekarang tgh terkial2 lagi main famville. xberapa nak pndai la banggg...


ok, mengantuk tu mmg dah jadi kewajipan masa cuti sem. xkira la kat mana atau kul brape, mst rs nak tdo. sebenanya masa tgh jmp sayang pon td nk ttdo dah. xlalu nk bukak mata.huuu tp takot syg mrh plak. kikikikiki


perut dah knyg kan. even stakat mkn tuna ngn roti besertakan air soya, tp knyg sekarang! rs nk tdo balik. zzzzzzzz

sekian, terima kasih.

Thanks sayang.
I dunno where and how to start. Today, totally miserable. How I wish I'm far from the place I stay currently. Stressed. Yes, that's the word. STRESS.

When it comes to family, I can't do anything. I'm trying very hard to accept the condition, situation and all those emotion. And now, I'm tired, totally tired. Please.

I forced myself. I'm trying. To give my very best to satisfied other. Already give whatever I can, but if it is not the thing that wish for, what more can I do? I'm trying to understand, but pls do understand me too. I have my own life, need, plan and etc. But I just simply forget all those thing. Because of family. Family. I'm not asking for money for the thing I've done. Or any appreciation. Just stop complaining. Already gave my very best. And I'm tired.

I know I cant live under this situation anymore. But I need to. Family comes first kan. Arghhhh
Stress. Yeah I do.

Then I wish for someone who can understand. How I'm forcing myself. Not ask to treat me like a princess, all you need to do is hear me. Arghhh how far you can hear me as you have your own life and interest rite? No matter who you are, bf, bff or anybody, will you ready in EVERYTIME I need, to hear? Simple, the answer is NO kan?

Attention and time. Even you have it, bla bla bla obstacle plak lah. Huuu so then you can't hear what I'm trying to say. How I need you. To hear at least. Yeah, I need to understand you. You have your own agenda. See, one more time, I'm the one who need to understand people!

I'm tired. And how I wish I'm far from all those situation. We'll see long I can live in this 'song'.

*btw thanks mom for the short fb chat just now. lega sikit.

I don't know why, but, I feel 'something'. Empty perhaps? Huh.... Suddenly didn't feel excited anymore. Ignorance or attention...? No mood at all. I know I shouldn't expect everything happen as I wish, but arghhhh!!! Trying to understand. The need and desire.

-bla bla bla bla bla cry-

I miss this man currently.

.....sometimes the heart sees what is invisible to the eyes.


My semester break start from 6 Nov 09 until 27 Dec 09. Almost 2 months. Mahu kerja, mak ayah x bagi. What should I do? Even duduk rumah je, tapi busy gak. Uruskan business. Jadi CEO bukan senang.

Restaurant City
Cafe World
Barn Buddy

I learn about business here. Hahahahahha Sibuk. Kadang-kadang sampai xde masa nak buat benda lain. Demi bisnes kan, pelbagai perkara terpaksa dikorbankan. =P

Tapi sorry lah, aku memang xbrape nk reti main Farmville tu. Maklumla, xbrape nak minat berbudi pada tanah la. Anis cakap sape xmain farmville, looser. Bukan masalah aku la weyh. Yang aku tau restaurant aku mst berkembang maju. Berbudi pada perut lagi syok. Kikikikiki

So, selamat maju jaya. Dan kepada semua2 yg dah ke kancah cafe world tu, cuba2 la main restaurant city. Sebab cafe world tu bosan je. Hahahaha. See u there neighbor!
It's hard to know what is exactly people's perception on us. Some seem very nice, some are just ok and so on. I've learn a lot about 'don't judge a book by it's cover'. He/she may act superb in front, but they are the real enemy. A bestfriend can just simply change to foe. A boyfriend become nightmare. Who knows?

There's a quote; 'Maybe God put some bad people in you life, so when the right one come, you'll be thankful'. Yeah, it mean so much to me. It teach how to appreciate. To learn by experience. To built a relationship. To be a better person. Teach & learn.

I identify many types of human. Some are quite sincere. But I cannot force myself to just simply accept them entering my life. It seem selfish and egoistic, but I'm just the way I am. It's not about throwing a friend, but should I give a fake smile while my heart crying? A big NO.

Some man are nice. Some are pretending to be nice. Some are hypocrite. Some are protective. Some are just better to be friend. That's why I said, I've learn a lot. Cries, laugh, dump, tears and hurt become common. But that's life rite? It's about learning. Thousand thanks to all for teach me, and make me become who am I now.

And because of the bad people, I learn how to appreciate those who sincere. And because of badness in myself, I learn how to accept people as he/she is. Nobody is perfect, but we can learn to be better rite? ;)
14th Nov 2009.
Mom n dad 27th anniversary.
Congratulations loved!
I love both of you!!
A lot! So much much!

I adore their LOVE
*hugs & kisses*
It's always about 'feeling'. How we want people to understand us. How people consider on our condition and situation. The problems and conclusions. But, sometimes we forget the most important part. We want people to know how it feel, but we totally ignore other people feeling.

That's life. Consideration. Understanding. Smile. Tears. And all about it. I learn a lot. Fulfill other people wish and hope, but at the same time i'm the one who hurt. Family, friends, loved one, foe and so on.

Family comes first. In everything, family, family and family. Nothing beat them. It just what they wish is not our hope. Even far from our interest and plan. How could I disappoint them. But then i'm the one who'll feel it! Arghhhh Yeah, in between, but the right path in our hand actually. It's family. Buat baik dibalas baik kata mak... *cheers* ;)

Friends.... Some are born to be a great complainer perhaps. Keep criticizing. You are the one who always right. I'm tired. Hoping people understand on you. Only. At same time you refused to consider on others. Come out with so many words and talk. And dissent. It's ok, we are different. But I hate when you just think about you, you and yourself. So that when we faced that problem, simply you just ignoring other's explanation. And people must hear you. Hey hey! You want people to consider on you, but you never want to do the same right? not that perfect person. I may do the same. But I always try to consider, consider and considering people. Arghhhh! Mior cakap, jgn asyik nampak salah orang je. Cermin diri tu sket. Btol lah tu. Bila banyak sangat masalah yang datang, there must something wrong in our self. Mak cakap, 'if we cannot change the situation, change ourself'. Hear it friend. I just want the best for you, me and us.

And understand the loved one. Aiyooo this may the hardest part, challenging, but I love it! When two person, from two different world, trying to enter another world, as one. You, with your own way. Your own perception. Me, with my own preferences and principal. And the relationship is blow by the loved wind. Hiks! Sometimes its hard for us to satisfied each other. Different opinions. Attention. Cares. TIME. Busy. And so forth. Then how we managed it to come out with the right solution. And I love when we trying very hard to understand each other. Giving our best. Thanks baby! Accepting other as he/she is. That's the key. ;)

So, it is it.
Life, about understanding people around.
Also, hoping they consider on us.
Cheer up girl!
Our theater performance last 16 Oct 09. This are the pics. Enjoy it!

Opening, Teruna & Dara.

Pengangkut Najis dan Tukang Sapu

Pengangkut Najis, Pelacur & Tukang Sapu


Penulis Agung

Penyair Agung dan Tukang Sapu

Pemimpin Rakyat

All of us. Miss u guys!!!!!

*lg gambar kat fb. ;)
**ohhhh sungguh rindu pada theater family. Roger2 la if nk lepak2 lagik!
....and our soul start to sing a happy song.

Oh yeah, I´ll tell you something
I think you´ll understand
When I say that something
I wanna hold your hand
I wanna hold your hand
I wanna hold your hand

Oh, please, say to me
You´ll let me be your man
and please, say to me

You´ll let me hold your hand
Now let me hold your hand
I wanna hold your hand

And when I touch you i feel happy, inside
It´s such a feeling
That my love
I can't hide
I can't hide
I can't hide

Yeah you, got that something
I think you´ll understand
When I say that something
I wanna hold your hand
I wanna hold your hand
I wanna hold your hand

And when I touch you I feel happy, inside
It´s such a feeling
That my love
I can't hide
I can't hide
I can't hide

Yeah you, got that something
I think you´ll understand
When I feel that something
I wanna hold your hand
I wanna hold your hand
I wanna hold your hand.

Just finished my final exam yesterday. Arghhhhh lega! 4 days exam, without any gap, mcm hell! But now, HEAVEN!! phew~

Thanks to all, especially Sara, Farah, Kecil, Ain Don, Ain Din, Nunun, Mai and others for bringing me a wonderful odour in life. Guys, you help me a lot, especially under the super duper tense day! Thanks sayang! ;)

Yeah...we learn about friendship. It's about appreciate, thanking, GIVE n TAKE, sincerity, honest and being humble.

Once you r my friend, we are friend.

We come here, we learn to be a friend. It's not about using each other, hypocrite, selfish and being rude.

Friendship is not money. It's a pure l.o.v.e.

....and apologized.

senangnya hati kini
sejak bersamamu

bertemu dan bermesra

sering menghibur duka

biar masa berlalu

kasih sayang dipahatkan

ku percaya suci .......

I miss u.