Person that I miss currently;

chenta hati ;)
*hugs and kisses*

owhhh plizzzz.....('',)
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7 Responses
  1. Yeops Says:
    This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. tgn sblah 2 ada tepi pintu... tgn sblah lg tatau la aku...

  3. Nisa HEBAT Says:

    shud :bf sejak 5 tahun dan 7 bulan yg lalu.

  4. Nisa HEBAT Says:

    yus: ni dgn niat nk memfitnah ke, atau ko mmg berfikiran negtif?

  5. la... aku niat nk tny, x reti pgang stereng dua2 blah tgn ke???

  6. cud the ★ Says:

    ak pn xphm ng ko ni
    kdg2 ak perati
    cm single n brokenhearted
    kdg2 cm play
    mcm2 lah ko ni..