People do come and go,
bringing happiness and sadness,
but the most important thing is,
the memory remain forever.
And all those memories keep me smiling till now.
What past is past,
EVERYTHING go, TRYING to let it go,
but i'm still here,
being me and only me.
Seizing the day with my own way.

*finding and searching what i've lost*
2 Responses
  1. maiSarah Says:

    sgt emo!!!
    n mengEMOkan aku!!
    kalo aku terlebihkan G kt atas td dh jd ayat laen!

  2. Nisa HEBAT Says:

    ala ape salahnye kalau terlebih G pon..
    tetiba aku terasa nk emo
    myb pasal tgh semak ngn masalah aku sndri kot
    mencik btol la